Arrowhead Spiketail - Cordulegaster obliqua (Say, 1839)

This is a species of concern. Please report any encounters to Odonata Central.

Range & Habitat:

Found in the northern tier of counties.

Found patrolling slowly along small, usually muddy, trickles and streams.

Flight Season:
Early Date: 23 April
Late Date: 25 June

Flight season charts created from records in the official database maintained by Allen Barlow.

Male Oblique - Photo by Jim Bangma
Click on a thumbnail to view full-size photo

Blackish, with green eyes, yellow thoracic stripes and a single row of arrowhead shaped yellow spots down the top of the abdomen.

Delta-spotted Spiketail and Twin-Spotted Spiketail have paired dorsal spots. 'Georgia' River Cruiser has a single lateral thoracic strip and does not normally occur in the NJ range of Arrowhead Spiketail.

Conservation Status:
State: S2 Imperiled in New Jersey
Global: G4 Apparently secure globally