NJOS was formed around the turn of the century to document the distribution of the odonates of New Jersey. The original website was created by Jim Bangma who used data archived by Allen Barlow. These two individuals were joined by others to increase the knowledge of our odes. Here, in their words, are the definition of what they hoped to accomplish.
Dragonflies and damselflies have been studied
in New Jersey for over 100 years. With so much scrutiny you might
think that we know everything there is to know about these insects.
In fact, we are only now beginning to understand the distribution
and status of many species. During the last 3 years for instance, 6
species have been added to the state list. In 2002 alone more
than 60 county records came to light due to the efforts of many
NJOS is dedicated to
expanding knowledge of the Dragonflies and Damselflies of our state.
We have provided photos and brief species accounts which we hope
will help you along the road to studying these interesting critters.
Detailed distribution and flight season information will show you
when they are out and where, at least for now, they have been found.
This is where you come in. You will notice many holes in the
distribution charts. You will also notice that some counties are
virtually unsurveyed. These regions await visits by enthusiasts
hungry for new discoveries.
Odes don’t vote and hence have no voice in land
use matters. The more we know about their status in New Jersey the better. Information
is critical to help protect these insects and their
The New Jersey Odonata Survey is not a formal organization. We have no officers,
hold no meetings, and collect no dues. The NJOS has been formed by
Jim Bangma and Allen Barlow for the purpose of sharing and gathering
information about these wonderful bugs. Allen is the geek who maintains the official
database and a well organized collection of voucher specimens. Jim
is the nerd that created and maintains this website. That is about
as formal as NJOS gets.
Meet the Founders
Allen Barlow -
NJOS Data Nerd |
Jim Bangma -
NJOS Web Geek |
Sheryl Chaćon
- NJOS Staff Psychologist |
Ann Johnson - NJOS
web consultant |