Robust Baskettail - Epitheca (Tetragoneuria) spinosa (Hagen, 1878)

This is a species of concern. Please report any encounters to Odonata Central.

Range & Habitat:

This southern species is found locally in the western coastal plain. The Bergen record is curious, more so since in this author's knowledge, Great Notch ain't even in Bergen County; since the Middlesex report is from the same source (Davis, 1913a), this record should also be viewed with curiosity.


Flight Season:
Early Date: 15 April
Late Date: 7 June

Flight season charts created from records in the official database maintained by Allen Barlow.

Male Dorsal - Photo by Jim Bangma
Click on a thumbnail to view full-size photo

A heavy bodied baskettail, with dense white fuzz on the thorax. Claspers appear similar to Beaverpond Baskettail which has a spindle-shaped abdomen. ID of females is beyond the scope of this web site.


Conservation Status:
State: S1 Critically imperiled in NJ
Global: G4 Apparently secure globally