Eastern Pondhawk - Erythemis simplicicollis (Say, 1839)

Range & Habitat:

One of our most common dragonflies. Breeds in ponds and lakes.

Flight Season:
Early Date: 7 May
Late Date: 30 October

Flight season charts created from records in the official database maintained by Allen Barlow.

Male Dorsal - Photo by Jim Bangma
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Typically perches on the ground and is quite unwary, often appears to be following you around
Females and young males are green with square blackish spots on the abdomen.
Males become pruinose blue with white claspers and a green face.

Blue Dasher is smaller, with a white face and striped thorax. Slaty Skimmer and Spangled Skimmer do not typically perch on the ground

Conservation Status:
State: S5 Demonstrably secure in the state
Global: G5 Secure globally, but possibly rare in parts of its range