White-faced Meadowhawk - Sympetrum obtrusum (Hagen, 1867)

This is a species of concern. Please report any encounters to Odonata Central.

Range & Habitat:

Scattered records throughout the state. Exact status uncertain due to confusion within this complex.

Typically found in still or slow water, even in temporary ponds.

Flight Season:
Early Date: 21 June
Late Date: 15 October

Flight season charts created from records in the official database maintained by Allen Barlow.

Male Lateral - Photo by Jim Bangma
Click on a thumbnail to view full-size photo

A little red bug with black triangles down the sides of the abdomen and a white face. Not identifiable in the field in New Jersey, click here for a discussion of this complex.


Conservation Status:
State: SU Degree of rarity uncertain, need more information
Global: G5 Secure globally, but possibly rare in parts of its range