Violet Dancer - Argia fumipennis violacea (Burmeister, 1839)

Range & Habitat:

Our commonest Dancer, it is found throughout the state...except Hudson County...where it probably occurs if you go look for it.


Flight Season:
Early Date: 10 May
Late Date: 5 October

Flight season charts created from records in the official database maintained by Allen Barlow.

Male Lateral - Photo by Jim Bangma
Click on a thumbnail to view full-size photo
Our only purple damselfly, the males are nearly unmistakable. The NJ race shows only a slight tint to the wings, unlike the nominate race.  Now called Variable Dancer.  

Conservation Status:
State: S5 Demonstrably secure in the state
Global: G5T5 Secure globally, local taxon also secure