Emerald Spreadwing - Lestes dryas (Kirby, 1890)

This is a species of concern. Please report any encounters to Odonata Central.

Range & Habitat:

Known only from the northwest, this is one of our least common spreadwings, as shown by its state ranking.


Flight Season:
Early Date: 4 June
Late Date: 23 July

Flight season charts created from records in the official database maintained by Allen Barlow.

Male Dorsal - Photo by Jim Bangma
Click on a thumbnail to view full-size photo

A small spreadwing, easily recognized by its brilliant metallic green coloration.

Elegant Spreadwing may show similar color but is much longer and the paraprocts extend beyond the cerci.

Conservation Status:
State: S1 Critically imperiled in NJ
Global: G5 Secure globally, but possibly rare in parts of its range